Pastors are hurting around the globe

Right now you can help pastors in India and Ukraine

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Right now you can help pastors in India and Ukraine

Right now, around the world, pastors are hurting. Of course, nowhere is this more obvious than Ukraine. Ten million Ukrainians (that's 1/4 of the total population) have been forced to flee. And get this: ONE HALF of all the children of Ukraine are now refugees! Those helping them the most on the ground--are pastors and churches. Pastor Tom is in touch with local Slavic Pastoral leaders in Sacramento, California. We can reliably get money to Ukraine's pastors on the ground to help where it is most needed.

And not just Ukraine. In India, Christians are under attack as never before. The current government in power has frankly targeted pastors and Christians. Some have been beaten, and require medical treatment. Some have been arrested on the basis of anti-conversion laws. We are helping many pastors in India but we need more help.

Your gift today (fully tax-deductible) will help hurting pastors through the Pastors Emergency Fund (PEF). You can designate your gift to India or Ukraine. Would you stand with pastors in need?