Rev. Kempanna's Church Needs to Build a New Permanent Home (Building)!

We Need to Help This Young Church Build a New Home (and be Our Headquarters As Well)!

Rev. Kempanna's Church Needs to Build a New Permanent Home (Building)! image


raised towards $5,000 goal



Days Left


We Need to Help This Young Church Build a New Home (and be Our Headquarters As Well)!

We Need to Help Rev. Kempanna's Church & Get a Headquarters for Our Ministry

Rev. Kempanna, the leader of Barnabas Factor of India is a strong leader, who in addition to his duties helping us to train hundreds of pastors each week, also pastors a church! He is a great pastor and the church has grown. But they have a couple of problems: First, they RENT their building and their Hindu landlord has raised their rent SIX TIMES in the past year alone! So they must build. (In addition, there are strong rumblings in India about a new law to prohibit churches from renting buildings. And while it is not yet law, some churches in Hindu neighborhoods have already been penalized).

The Second factor is the demographics of their church: it is a young church, with young, workng families. There are very few if any executives or upper management among their people. Their members are hard-working lower class people. The total indebtedness (close to $120,000 in US Dollars) is a very heavy load for them to carry.

Another benefit for us is that this new building will function as our national headquarters for our ministry of training pastors (Barnabas Factor) in the nation of India.

We want to help them. Would you stand with us with a one time love gift? Or maybe God would move you to make it a MONTHLY gift to help them pay their estimated payment of about $500 each month. God bless you for whatever you can do!