It's Time For Pastor Tom to Go Back to India
Help Pastor Tom Train Pastors and Encourage Them in Tough Times

Help Pastor Tom Train Pastors and Encourage Them in Tough Times
It has been five years since Pastor Tom has traveled to India. The time is now. Barnabas Factor of India has close to 15 Bible Institutes that need the encouragement and training that Tom can provide.
There is an element of danger. India is ruled by the BJP Party (Radical Hindu Party). In past trips, police checked up on Tom during his travels there. We expect that to continue. But our leader, Rev. Kempanna will take every precaution to keep Tom as safe as possible.
The total budget for this trip is $15,000. It is especially costly because some of our training will be in remote areas where Tribal pastors live. We (and they) will travel to a retreat center. We will pay more than before because of these situations.
Would you stand with us in this mission to train about 1000 pastors? That is our goal.